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III: Reign Of Chaos™
Shatters Sales Records
Worldwide With Over
1 Million Copies Sold
Quotes |
are very excited about the worldwide demand for Warcraft III: Reign of
Chaos," stated Mike Morhaime, Blizzard Entertainment president and
co-founder. "We put a lot of effort into polishing every aspect of
Warcraft III, and the game's popularity tells us that our long hours and
hard work have paid off." |
Blizzard Entertainment®, a studio of the games division of
Vivendi Universal Publishing, announced today that Warcraft® III: Reign of
Chaos™, has surpassed 1 million units sold worldwide, according to EDI
sell-through, internal company estimates, and reports from key retail
accounts around the world. Over 4.4 million units of the game have been
shipped to retail to satisfy demand for Warcraft III, which is now the
fastest-selling PC game ever, surpassing the records set in 2000 and 2001 by
two other Blizzard titles, Diablo® II and the expansion set, Diablo II: Lord
of Destruction™, respectively.
Following in the tradition of previous Blizzard games, Warcraft III: Reign
of Chaos is now the seventh Blizzard product not only to sell 1 million
copies, but also to reach #1 in U.S. sales. The game, which began shipping
on July 3, is topping PC sales charts in North America, Europe, and Asia.
"We are very excited about the worldwide demand for Warcraft III: Reign of
Chaos," stated Mike Morhaime, Blizzard Entertainment president and
co-founder. "We put a lot of effort into polishing every aspect of Warcraft
III, and the game's popularity tells us that our long hours and hard work
have paid off."
"Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos is the largest PC release for us since Diablo
II in June 2000. We had high expectations for this release and are pleased
that it's a solid hit," stated Bob McKenzie, Director of Merchandising for
GameStop, Babbages, Software Etc., FuncoLand, and Gamestop.com. "Sales of
the game have rivaled those of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction from last
year, and from what we've seen with previous Warcraft products and other
Blizzard games, we expect Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos to maintain
top-seller status well into next year and beyond."
In Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, players revisit the war-torn world of
Azeroth a generation after the end of the Second War between the Orcs and
the Humans. The fragile peace that had since settled over the land is now on
the verge of being shattered, for a dark power has returned after thousands
of years to carry out its nefarious plans. Two new races - the Undead
Scourge and the Night Elves - emerge to join the fray, as players follow a
single epic storyline through four successive campaigns. Players can also
take the battle into their own hands in an enhanced multiplayer mode,
playable on local area networks and exclusively over the Internet on
Battle.net®, the largest online service of its kind in the world.
A focus on concentrated battles between groups of mighty warriors brings an
exciting new blend of action to the franchise. In the single-player game,
players follow the adventures of Legendary Heroes, who grow more formidable
with experience. As the game progresses, these Heroes are able to learn
spells and special abilities and acquire powerful magic items. Heroes
advance even faster in multiplayer games, adding to the intensity of
strategic combat between rival powers. Expanded multiplayer options include
the ability to share units and resources with allies and to compete
anonymously against other players of similar skill levels.
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos also includes the most powerful and
full-featured World Editor ever released for a Blizzard game. The World
Editor puts the same tools used by Blizzard's designers into the hands of
players, enabling them to create 3D maps and unique missions, with scripts
for units, spells, and action-packed events. Players will also be able to
produce their own in-game cinematics, using flexible camera controls and
incorporating .mp3-based sound files.
Since its debut in 1994, the #1-selling Warcraft series has won industry
acclaim and has shattered sales records worldwide with over 6 million copies
sold. In 1995, Blizzard followed the well-received Warcraft: Orcs and
Humans™ with the critically acclaimed Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness™, which
won multiple Game of the Year awards and is still considered by many critics
to be one of the best games ever made.
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos is available at retail chains worldwide for
Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP and Macintosh® formats, at a price of approximately
$55-$60. The game is also available directly from Blizzard at (800) 953-SNOW
www.blizzard.com. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos has received a Teen
rating from the ESRB.
Best known for blockbuster hits including the Warcraft series, StarCraft®,
and the Diablo® series, Blizzard Entertainment (www.blizzard.com),
a studio of the games division of Vivendi Universal Publishing, the world's
third-largest publishing company, is a premier developer and publisher of
entertainment software renowned for creating many of the industry's most
critically acclaimed games. Blizzard's track record includes six #1-selling
games and multiple Game of the Year awards. The company's free Internet
gaming service Battle.net® reigns as the largest in the world, with millions
of active users.
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