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Product: GoBack 2.22
Company: Roxio
Estimated Street Price: $49.95
Review By:
Julien Jay


Table Of Contents
1: Introduction
2: Features
3: Test
4: Conclusion

    Adaptec the well-known manufacturer of SCSI cards and producer of Easy CD Creator, has recently created a new entity called Roxio for its software department. Roxio is the new software corporation from Adaptec, so from now on Roxio edits, publishes and sells Easy CD Creator and GoBack the software we’ll test in this review. GoBack is a new kind of software that constantly monitors your system for disk changes and saves system settings in the background as it was before you do changes so you can reverse change if something goes wrong. It’s real good solution for family users that don’t want to bother themselves with system trouble, files lost, or so! GoBack also protects your documents as well as day to day work! So let’s see how GoBack is better than the Windows Me built-in System Restore feature, and differs from its competitor PowerQuest Second Chance 2.


    Installing GoBack 2.22 is a breeze! First you have to know GoBack 2.2 is fully compatible with Windows Me (which wasn’t the case with previous releases). Once you’ve inserted the CD, a setup wizard starts and asks you to type your serial number in order to install the software. Before doing so you can choose to view a small video that’ll present you the advantages of this software. Then the setup lets you choose which type of installation to perform. You can select the standard setup or the custom one where you’ll be able to define the hard disk space to be used by the GoBack history for each of your drives. Obviously if you install GoBack 2.2 on a Windows Me system it’ll replace the native system restore feature of the OS by its own. Attention: once you’ve defined the size of hard disk space to be used for each partitions during the setup you won’t be able to change it after. Once the files of the program are copied, GoBack will carefully check your hard disk seeking for defective clusters: once this process is accomplished (it may take a while!) you’re prompted to reboot the computer so you get protected by GoBack. When you reboot your computer a small ‘Protected by GoBack’ screen will appear for a few seconds in the right bottom corner of your screen.


Adaptec GoBack 2.22 Setup (click to enlarge)




Features -->



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